What Does Asphalt Shingle Rippling Mean?

If you’ve ever noticed ripples in your asphalt shingles, you may be wondering what causes them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of rippling in asphalt shingles and how to prevent it from happening.

What Causes Asphalt Shingle Rippling?

Weather damage, leaks, ventilation problems, and problems from re-roofing are all potential causes of rippling in asphalt shingles.

Weather Damage

One of the most common reasons for rippling in asphalt shingles is weather damage. During high winds, shingles can lift up and then settle back down, causing them to ripple. Hail can also damage the asphalt shingles, which can lead to rippling.


Leaks are another potential cause of rippling in asphalt shingles. If the shingles are not installed properly, they allow water to seep in. Over time, they will ripple.

Ventilation Problems

Asphalt shingles can also ripple due to ventilation issues. If the attic is poorly ventilated, the heat from the sun can cause the shingles to warp and ripple.

Problems Caused by Re-Roofing

If you have to re-roof your home, you need to make sure the new shingles are installed properly. Otherwise, old shingles may eventually ripple. 

How to Prevent Rippling in Asphalt Shingles

There are several things you can do to prevent rippling in asphalt shingles. First, check whether the shingles are installed properly and the attic is well-ventilated. You should also inspect the shingles regularly for damage. If there are, it’s best to perform repairs as soon as possible.

How to Fix a Rippled Asphalt Shingle Roof

If you already have a rippled asphalt shingle roof, you have many options to consider. You can try to repair the damage yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. If the damage is severe, you may need to replace the entire roof.

If your asphalt shingles are experiencing rippling issues, contact Pritchett Roofing, Inc in Woodstock, GA. We can help you repair the damage or replace your entire roof if necessary. Call us today at (770) 345-1622 or visit our website for more information.

Categories: Roofing
Joel Pritchett: