How to Prevent Roof Condensation Problems

When warm air comes into contact with a cold surface, water droplets begin to form; at first they are tiny and then they increase until they are dripping down the surface. This is condensation. And it can happen to your roof. It can shorten its life, even if you’d recently gotten a roof replacement.

In the winter, when outside temperatures are low, condensation should not form in your attic. If it does, your attic is probably too hot. A little moisture that dries up quickly shouldn’t be a problem, but if too much moisture that lasts long can cause damage to your insulation, ceiling, and other parts of your home.

The bigger problem is that condensation is often not easy to spot unless you’re a professional inspector. Often, a homeowner only realizes there’s a problem when the moisture has already damaged or stained something; your ceiling, for example. And that may entail more expensive solutions.

To prepare your roof for the winter, here are some ways to reduce the possibility of condensation.

Natural Wind Movement

Your attic should allow natural ventilation to cool it down. Trapped hot air causes a host of problems in your attic, from condensation to damaged shingles to an uncomfortable home. By allowing the hot air to dissipate properly, you can maintain optimal temperatures in your home while also avoiding condensation.

Determining the right number and placement of vents is a professional’s job. It’s probably wiser to hire one for the roof repair instead of trying to DIY the whole thing.

Heat Blocking

It may not be enough to allow natural heat dissipation in your attic. Reinforce it by blocking hot air from entering in the first place. Light sealing, chimney access, exhaust fans in some rooms and HVAC vent placement all play a role in this. Again, you’ll benefit from the work of a professional contractor in trying to keep heat out of your attic.

Don’t wait for your roof to have condensation problems. Before you know it, your insulation could be clumping, your ceiling could be stained and worse. Call Pritchett Roofing, Inc. today for your roof repair or replacement, vent correction, and siding installation. Our number is (770) 375-2490. We can help you in Woodstock, GA.

Categories: Roofing
Joel Pritchett: